Yonkers Amateur Radio Club Legacy Members

In Memory Of Our Silent Keys
My chair is sitting empty.
My call’s no longer heard.
My radio rests quietly.
From it comes no words.
On my shack door is a message.
That reads “From Me to Thee”.
My frequency’s much higher now.
I’ve become a Silent Key.
– Judy Hudson KC9CCJ

Gil Lugo Sr. KD2BPG
Mitch Holmes KC2PHD
Martin "Marty" Tenenbaum K2MKT
John Costa WB2AUL
Paul Maytan AC2T
Emily Maytan AC2V
Charles "Chuck" Lewis W3IFX
Bob Lejuez WB2JOB
Charlotte Lejuez KB2DBI
Vincent Puifory W2FOQ
Andy Pisacreta N2EIJ
Hal Park WB2BNH
Dan Calabrese AA2HX
Emily Maytan AC2V
Doug McArtin K2JJ
Otto Supliski WB2SLQ
Lloyd Ferrel NA2LF
Tom Morrison AB2PP
Alessandro Sicilia N2TWN
Jim Bourhill N2ONM
Nick Messina N2XBR
Mike Rapp KA2FBL
Robbie Collignon KB2SHD
John Gilberg KB2JKS